Lead Developer of the "Sanitation Economy Maturity Assessment Framework"

The market for sanitation goods and services in low- and middle-income countries is very sizable, but remains hugely unexploited. In many developing country contexts, sanitation is simply not financially viable, meaning the sanitation sector faces a significant imbalance in the demand for and supply of affordable capital. However, private investors can be attracted into the sanitation economy through subsidies and public-private partnerships, and also improving the monitoring of the sanitation economy to address bottlenecks. 

This assignment therefore involves designing and recommending a set of indicators to assess the readiness of the sanitation economy for investments. The framework and improved evidence will enable SHF and their partners to assess risk, evaluate growth potential, analyse competitiveness, develop appropriate investment strategies, plan exit strategies, and navigate the regulatory landscape. 

Work ongoing.

See Fecal Sludge Management Alliance webinar (4 July 2024) explains the ongoing proposal for the Sanitation Economy Maturity Assessment Tool (SANEMAT) - here

Lead Evaluator of the REACH Research Programme of the University of Oxford

Innate Values Ltd. was invited to conduct the final external review of the REACH Programme – a 10-year world-leading science to practice research programme improving water security for the poor and funded by the British Government (FCDO). 

The review concluded that REACH has achieved remarkable results, having met or exceeded the majority of its key performance indicators. REACH has generated a substantial amount of high-quality science that is relevant to scientists, practitioners and policy makers both in and beyond the programme’s three focus countries (Bangladesh, Ethiopia and Kenya). REACH also met ambitious targets for gender and for development of early career researchers, engaging with policy makers and partners, and supporting local institutions. REACH leaves a unique legacy – research findings, methodologies and tools that will remain relevant for years to come, local institutions with renewed visions of what is possible with science, policy makers with an enhanced respect for and understanding of science, and programmes and approaches that have considerable potential for national and global scale up.

Work completed January 2024.

Lead Researcher on Cost-of-Illness and Cost-Benefit Analysis of WASH in Healthcare Facilities in Nine African countries

Guy Hutton was commissioned to undertake a study for the World Bank's Water Global Practice to conduct an assessment of the costs of healthcare associated infections (HAIs) in Eastern and Southern Africa. HAIs are responsible for millions of infections per year, leading to extended hospital stays and costing health systems billions of dollars per year. Explorative cost-benefit analysis suggests that the costs of these infections can be paid for from the financial cost savings from reducing the HAI rate. The study has been published as a World Bank Working Paper and has been submitted to the Journal of Hospital Infections. Also, a tool is under development for broader application of the methods in other countries. 

Work ongoing.

Lead Researcher to Estimate the Costs of Achieving Climate Resilient Urban Water Supply in Developing Countries 

Guy Hutton was commissioned under Innate Values Ltd. to undertake a study for the World Bank's Climate Change Group to feed into the World Bank report ‘Closing the City Climate Finance Gap’ to be released in 2024. The analysis estimates the baseline cost to achieve global urban water supply and wastewater treatment goals in 2030, 2040 and 2050 timeframes, and estimates the incremental cost to make these systems resilient to floods and droughts which may increase in number and intensity in the coming decades. The costs under different climate scenarios are modelled by examining the future risks of climate change under RCP 4.5, RCP 7.0 and RCP 8.5. The reductions in greenhouse gas emissions are examined by increasing coverage of wastewater treatment and of investing in lower emissions technologies.

Work ongoing.

Lead Researcher for WaterAid on a Cost-Benefit Analysis of WASH in Four African Countries

Guy Hutton was hired under Innate Values Ltd. by WaterAid UK Policy Department to develop key evidence to help advocate for more finance for WASH. It is being conducted in Burkina Faso, Liberia, Niger and Zambia. The study will extend methods previously used to model the cost-benefits of WASH, and it includes the opportunity to include both WASH in households and WASH in institutions. Cost data are being collected in each country to credibly inform the policy debate, in particular around WASH services that are climate resilient and gender responsive. The study is due for completion by the end of 2023. 

Work ongoing.

Expert Contribution to the Strengthening of the UN-Water WASH Accounts

Guy Hutton was hired under Innate Values Ltd. by the World Health Organization to provide a detailed review of the potential for increasing the policy relevance of the WASH Accounts, implemented by W.H.O.. Using the TrackFin methodology, the WASH Accounts are now producing detailed financial information on the WASH sector in at least 20 countries worldwide. In interpreting the results and using them for policy making, it is useful to know what proportion of the WASH sector budget should be spent on capital versus operations versus capital maintenance. In addition, WASH Accounts needs to collect more comprehesive data on capital expenditures through better estimation methods and through better survey data. Also, how WASH Accounts results can be combined with other sector information to understand the efficiency of the sector. These are other questions were addressed in this project to make recommendations for WASH Accounts going forward.

Work ongoing.

Lead Role for Global Water Partnership in Developing the AIP High-Level Panel "Investment Action Plan"

Guy Hutton was hired under Innate Values Ltd. by the Global Water Partnership Southern Africa office to lead the preparation of the Africa Water Investment Programme's (AIP's) second High-Level Panel report to detail an Investment Action Plan for Africa to mobilize US$ 30 billion per year by 2030 for achieving water security and sustainable sanitation.

The report is to be released by the end of 2023 at a significant global event. Its formulation involves in-depth consultations with a range of stakeholders on each major investment source (see diagram) as well as inviting submissions from African countries on their priority unfunded water projects. The report will chart a path with concrete actions and responsible stakeholders for the AIP to achieve its ambitious aim of raising several tens of billions of additional capital for water.

Work completed December 2023.

Development of Tool for IFRC to Estimate the National Costs of WASH Improvements to Eliminate Cholera.

Guy Hutton was hired under Innate Values Ltd. by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) in Geneva, Switzerland, to develop a costing tool. The tool is being developed with key stakeholders including IFRC, US CDC, UNICEF and other WASH organizations. The tool is due for piloting and release before the end of 2023. It will be rolled out under the aegis of the Global Taskforce on Cholera Control, for which IFRC serves as the host of the Country Support Platform.

Work ongoing.

Lead Role for the Global Water Partnership in Developing the First Report of the AIP High-Level Panel

Guy Hutton was hired by the Global Water Partnership to lead the preparation of the Africa Water Investment Programme's High-Level Panel report, which was launched at the UN-Water Conference in New York in March 2023.

The report presents an analysis of the opportunities and weaknesses for investment in water security and sustainable sanitation in Africa, and presents a finance 'pyramid' to focus attention on four main ways of achieving Africa's water goals: efficiency gains; correct pricing of water; domestic resource mobilisation; and official development assistance. Key to these solutions are making water an investible proposition, and attracting climate finance, given water's central role in all the SDGs.

Work completed March 2023.

Lead Author of the World Bank Analysis of the Economic Benefits of Tanzania Achieving its WASH Goals

Guy Hutton was requested to provide the analysis of the benefits of WASH in Tanzania to advocate for more, and more efficient, finance to achieve Tanzania's development goals. New estimates of economic damages reveal that Tanzania loses at least 3.2% of its annual GDP due to inadequate WASH; and in addition to that, there are multiple negative impacts on children, women, the elderly and the disabled, which this report highlights by drawing on evidence from Tanzania and regionally.

Work completed December 2022.

Lead External Expert to Support WaterAid's New Policy Priorities. 

Guy Hutton provided support to WaterAid's Global Policy Team for their new policy framework titled "Ending the water, sanitation and hygiene crisis together: policy priorities for accelerating progress". A major share of WaterAid's work now focuses on strengthening the enabling environment, for which policy recommendations are detailed in this report, covering political leadership, governance, cross-sectoral collaboration and finance, thereby delivering sustainable and gender transformative results.

Work completed March 2023.

Expert Contributing to the Finance Plans under the Global Water Partnership's "Global Water Leadership" Programme

Guy Hutton supported GWP to develop a guideline for application in its 7 GWL programme countries (funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office). The guideline details how realistic finance plans can be developed based on the programme's "Root Cause Analysis" to remove the significant bottlenecks that are plaguing the water sector in these countries. It includes recruiting and building the capacity of national consultants to apply the guideline to each of their countries during the remainder of 2023.

Work completed June 2023.

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